See and hear comparisons of high, mid and low tones See and hear examples of high consonant-initial syllables with low falling tones See and hear examples of syllables with rising tones See and hear examples of low consonant-initial syllables with high falling tones See and hear examples of low consonant-initial syllables with high  tones See and hear examples of middle consonant-initial syllables with low falling tones See and hear examples of syllables with low tones

Click on the Tone Marks for Example Words and Comparisons

Note that on this sample, many of the example links are disabled (the two left-hand columns in the main tone example section work, as do the two left-hand columns in the tone comparisons section in the far upper-left). When you purchase a download of the Textbook and accompanying files, every black tone mark will include a link to examples, as will the headings for syllable endings.

The Textbook Multimedia lessons also includes a clickable consonant chart; see here for a sample.

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