Phaphutthahuup Saksit: The First Lao Novel

Phaphutthahuup Saksit ("The Sacred Buddha Image") is available as a file download only. The price for each book download is $10 USD. If you have any questions, please E-mail me.
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This is the first Lao novel, by Somchine Nginn, written in the early 1940s. It has been retyped and heavily annotated (and supplemented with original photographs taken at sites referred to in the novel) with vocabulary, grammar, and culture explanations and student exercises. It has been used in Intermediate and Advanced Lao instruction at SEASSI (from 2005-2011). It assumes an Intermediate level knowledge of written Lao equivalent with at least one semester of university-level Lao language study.See the 1966 Introduction to the novel, and sample pages from several chapters
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